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The Seven Mystery Schools Class

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March 8
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category:

Very little true information has been available about Mystery Schools or the Mystery School Tradition, but these schools have quietly existed. Teaching many selected students over thousands of years and allowing them to exceed in their lives and become extraordinary humans, leaving a legacy behind many of which we now read about in our history books.

These schools protected the very holy teachings until now when humanity has started awakening is ready to receive this knowledge that can support us to awaken to our fullest potential as it has never been seen before.

7 Mystery Schools exist on the planet and each one carries a unique energy and key that are taught to scholars.

Enabling you to have your own experience of the different energies that is held in each tradition. We will also be connecting to the specific energies of each mystery school tradition through meditation and special rituals unique to each school and the energy they carry.

In this class you will discover things like: Their location, each one’s different purpose and how they collectively come together for a greater purpose. Their correlation to the body, the mystery contained within them and much more.

Please book your seat for this fascinating class.

Included are Teas, Snacks

Time: Saturday, 8 March 2024 @ 17h30 – 20h30

Fee: R650



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