BRANDBERG Qrtz on Prehnite&Hematite,23g 4.5×3.2cm


23g, 45x32mm

1 in stock

SKU: CR LEO 00010 E Category:


Brandberg Clear Quartz Crystal on Prehnite & Hematite – Visualisation, Calming & Grounding.

Brandberg Quartz, Clear Quartz and Prehnite crystals are dynamic, unique and have exhilarating energy. Found only in this desert region in Namibia, Southern Africa. The San people named this holy place the Burning Mountain and these rare crystals carry a higher frequency like no other crystals on the planet. Prehnites are from Goboboseb. They boost prophetic abilities and is a good stone to use when doing energy work. Prehnite enhances visualisation and spiritual knowing opening and balancing the solar plexus and heart chakras. Brandberg Clear Quartz helps clear away and dissolve karmic seeds and enhances psychic abilities. Master healer for any condition. Hematite is an excellent grounding stone.

Chakra – Crown, Heart & Root