Soul Crystal of the Month January 2023 – Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz – attuned to the heart and throat chakras communicating all kinds of love, including self-love and emanates a universal love with the gentlest and most feminine of qualities. Here is a crystal so rich with healing properties, completely saturated with harmony and compassion making it a stone that you will always want near and always hold dear.


Since Rose Quartz is a stone of love, it is not only associated with romance but other forms of love too, such as love within families, friends and all things sentient. It is extremely beneficial from healing communication with family to developing a deeper bond with spouses and friends, and even bringing sweeter notes of self-care into your own divine world.


The beautiful blush kisses of energy that this stone emanates are beneficial for the physical body as it is able to aid in heart health, blood flow & circulation and is also the perfect addition to expecting mothers as it is believed to help protect the mother.


For new mothers, Rose Quartz is the perfect stone to have close by as it is said to help curate unbreakable bonds and allows love energy flow like a fountain between the mother and baby or her children – everlasting love.


In keeping with its theme of being a gentle heart healer, the Rose Quartz is also known for its ability to assist in healing emotional wounds as it invites more loving compassion and care into our minds and hearts. It is used as a calling card for those who crave more love in their life.


With this stone’s divinity reaching far out into the energetic planes of love and compassion– it certainly encourages connection as it cracks your heart open and brings you back into alignment. Filling you with a sense of comfort, connection, and endless possibility.


The Rose Quartz Crystal also deeply vibrates and attunes to the Goddess Energy. Something that all of us as humans should have a sense of connection to as it awakens within us warmth, love, compassion, and uplifts us to our own unique potential within the Goddess sphere. Center yourself with Rose Quartz this month.




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