max meditation

Meditation is the key component to regain your power and the effects of only 15min of quieting your mind will have huge results, almost unbelievable!

All the power that ever was or will be is here now within you and I and all we need to do is to become silent and still and connect to what already is within us. It is all there waiting for you to go within and become quiet to hear. The answer to every question you have the solution to every problem in our lives is right here within us waiting for us to quieten our minds.

Let Your Mind Become Clear Like A Still Forest Pool - Buddha

Duration: 60min

Single Session Cost: R135

4 Sessions        Cost: R440


MAX Meditation System™

The Max Meditation System is a simple and effective way to meditate. Informal sessions guide you through the system to ensure a relaxing and mindful experience.

For the beginner, the techniques are so effective that it will amaze you with how easy it is to meditate. For the more experienced meditation practitioner, this system can enhance your existing practice!

This system was developed by Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni Gudnason, after traveling the world for the last 35 years exploring the phenomena of the mind.  A complementary blend of ancient methods learned from prominent teachers in India and Tibet, this system is designed to truly teach you how to get the most out of your meditation practice.

Join us for a fusion of ancient techniques of yoga, mind acrobatics, mixed with modern techniques of psychology and NLP to make this the most effective system to reduce stress, pain, enhance your energy, vitality, wellbeing and so much more.


Benefits of Max Meditation System™

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    Creates a state of deep relaxation & general sense of wellbeing

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    Reduces stress & tension

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    Physical & emotional pain reduction

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    Gain more control over your thoughts

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    Detachment from situations and less drama in your life

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    Peace of mind & joy

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    Increased concentration

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    Learn to “know thyself’

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    Enhances energy, strength, vigour

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    Helps increase clarity

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    Increases serotonin levels combatting depression and a feeling of well being

customer reviews

Jamal – Hermetic Soul Retrieval

It was very special. I feel more grounded and peaceful. I also noticed that I am able to hold the version of myself that is more real and authentic, feeling…

Christine – Life Activation

There is a big shift in my energy. It was a super experience and I definitely approached my week with a more positive attitude!

Chris – Max Meditation

Cool to be at the meditation. I felt particularly good with less heavy energy and with tolerance and a lot of love & optimism in my heart.

Liz – Life Activation

More energetic. Wasn’t able to walk far for a few years because of a foot injury & managed to walk 3km after the session. Thank you.

Thandi – Life Activation

I feel more revived and energetic than before! I am sleeping very well.

Gobault – Life Activation

I had a very peaceful sleep and feeling so much lighter this morning. Thank you so much for the healing.

Andre – Emotional Cord Cutting, Spell Removal & Purification by Light

Just wanted to say that I have felt some real changes since the session.

Kerrin – Life Activation

Shifted so much anxiety. My family is amazed at the change they see. Moving towards being more stable emotionally, less reactive. Able to now visualise & feel the outcomes I…

Karen – Egyptian 7 Layer Aura Balancing

I am doing good! Feeling light and less drawn down.

Lauraine – Life Activation

Felt Amazing after our session. Felt Good this morning and especially alert. Excited to see what lies ahead for me.

Lauren R – Full Spirit Activation

Feeling fantastic, grounded and fully in my body. Excited to see what unfolds.

Loren – Hermetic Full Moon Ceremony

Loved last night and loved the energy, feeling calm although so much is still going on.

Jules – Aura Healing Layer 1-3

I am feeling totally amazing after this healing. Thank you so much.

Julia – Full Spirit Activation

I enjoyed the session.  It’s like a heavy cloud had been lifted from my head and I see and think clearly now. Feeling  different in such a good way &…

Lauren – Aura Healing Layer 1-3

I am feeling a lot lighter, and more positive again. Feel like I’m soaked in a warm wax and my energy feels all smooth. Lovely feeling.