Soul Tips – A Crystal Pack for Lock Down

If you have never worked with crystals before, now is as good a time as any to start using the amazing abilities crystals hold for helping us move through times of great change.

There are crystals for just about every state of being or type of ailment out there, from physical ailments and dis-eases, to emotional states of being, to psychological/mental and of course spiritual.

Some of the most popular ways crystals can help us are:
• To give us protection from outside forces such as negative energies, psychic attack, and electromagnetic stress
• To aid us with healing our physical bodies and emotional states
• To help our bodies with immunity and to keep us healthy
• To help with re balancing our own emotional states, such as anxiety, fear, depression, panic, etc
• To encourage positive thoughts and energies

Join Sanet on Tuesday to give you the guidance you seek during these trying times, by using crystals as your aid and helper

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