Aquarian Message – Gnostic Kabbalah, Tantra Tarot


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What was hidden for almost two thousand years is finally revealed.

Everyone has heard of symbols from the Revelation or Apocalypse of John, such as the Antichrist, the number 666, Armageddon, the end of days, the Rapture, the Second Coming, the four horsemen, and more.

For centuries, Revelation has remained the most mysterious and interesting scripture of Christianity, filled with haunting imagery, powerful dramatic events, and frightening warnings for humanity, yet its true meanings were never permitted to be revealed.

John, an initiate of secret, esoteric Christianity, placed these cryptic symbols in Revelation as a “time capsule” to be opened on a future day, and in spite of countless theories and beliefs, the secrets of Revelation have been preserved behind their arcane language, awaiting the moment when they are most needed by humanity. That day has arrived.

For the first time, the hidden secrets of Revelation are made clear and accessible to anyone. In The Aquarian Message, Samael Aun Weor shows how everything in Revelation and Christianity is based on Kabbalah (of which Jesus was a master), esoteric Christianity, alchemy, Tarot, and other ancient sciences. In this book you will discover that every symbol in Revelation is about you, your spiritual state, and the future it is taking you towards. You will discover how through deep personal change you can escape suffering and the approaching cataclysms, and instead enter into a superior level of experience. What John hid in Revelation was not something to believe, but something to experience for oneself. Now, with the practical teachings given in The Aquarian Message, you can.