BRANDB, Smokey Qrtz Point, 3g 1.6×1.4×1.3cm


3g, 16x14x13mm

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SKU: CR LEO 00038 F Category:


Brandberg Smokey Quartz – Grounding, Digestive Healing, Compassion.

Brandberg Quartz Amethyst, Smokey Quartz and Prehnite clusters and crystals are dynamic, unique and have exhilarating energy. Found only in this desert region in Namibia, Southern Africa. The San people named this holy place the Burning Mountain and these rare crystals carry a higher frequency like no other crystals on the planet. Powerful grounding of the Root Chakra and the fiery empowerment of the solar plexus chakra. Flowing the highest Light into the body where compassion is needed. Supporting the central nervous system by bringing calmness and restoration. Excellent for stress and tension allowing clarity and acceptance. Teacher of compassion pointing towards spiritual growth and deep spiritual awakening.

Chakra – Root Chakra/Solar Plexus