Soul Astrology for December 2023
And just like that – 2023 has almost come full circle! I truly hope that whatever transpired for you this year was nothing less than true abundance, growth and wellbeing, and even if not – I hope you can at least look back and be proud of the challenges and lessons along the way!
As we still have one more month of the year to go – December is going to bring a pretty balanced energy as well as a couple powerful and gentle cosmic intertwinements supporting us in our highest expression. This month is also going to bless us with some reflective energy so that we may review the year that has passed in order to look at what worked for us and what didn’t. It is also the month of the Solstice, yay! No matter whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, it is a time to celebrate the light. The light within ourselves as well as the Light around us.
Let’s take a look at what to expect this month :
December 2nd – 4th : Antares Stargate Portal
To begin the month we have an incredible stargate portal taking place. Antares, on eof the four royal stars, also known as the heart of the Scorpion is going to align with the sun activating its energy and beaming powerful light codes directly into our heart centers. With our heart centers activated, we are going to be feeling more loving, compassionate energies towards ourselves and others. We will certainly be feeling more abundant and creative as our hearts are bursting with the potent energy of Antares. This is also going to be a suitably energetic time to reflect on our lives as Antares is believed in some cultures to be the resting place for souls in the afterlife where they reflect on their life lived – however we don’t need to wait till then to reflect on ourselves, lets utilize this cosmic energy now to reflect on the year and prepare ourselves for the upcoming one.
December 4th : Venus, planet of love and beauty enters Scorpio.
Venus and all her beautiful loving energy transition into transformational Scorpio and as a result the two bring an intense, sensual and emotional energy to the forefront. At the root of this transition is how we love ourselves and how safe we feel in loving others. Open your heart, be vulnerable and have courage. Love to date is one of the most incredible human experiences, it surpasses the conditioning and expectations of the mind, it is beautiful but also challenging. To love is one of the greatest gifts. Honor all love has taught you and all that you have learned in love.
December 6th : Neptune stations direct
Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions and wishes stations direct after being in retrograde for 6 months. When Neptune is involved, we are usually awakened to the facts of our sometimes harsh reality. This allows us to see a greater truth as we put aside our outdated dreams and wishes. However, Neptune flows a creative energy alongside its awakening of us which provides us the suitable energy to creatively solve our problems, or look to new ways of dreaming, wishing and being.
December 9th : Venus moves Opposite Jupiter
Venus in Scorpio dancing with Jupiter in Taurus calls for a beautiful, abundant and loving energy. Jupiter works together with Venus to make it an incredible day of love, creativity and inspiration! The vibes today are totally loving and supportive on so many levels, so if you have been needing a boost – breathe it all in sweet one!
December 12 : 1212 Gateway
The 12th day of the 12th month signifies movement into higher states of consciousness, higher states of being and higher states of living. This duo also represents completion and ending. With this energy of completion is is quite certain that we may see or begin to see all the pieces of the puzzle as a whole. Your sense of longing may be tended to now that you have more answers than before… Magickally, this number coincides with the Sagittarius New Moon.
The Sagittarius New Moon is the last new moon of 2023 and it falls in the adventurous & fiery energy of Sagittarius! This New moon is channeling some extra fiery and passionate energy as our other Fiery planet Mars happens to be active during the time of it. Mars, usually quite aggressive and hostile surprisingly heads in the more alluring qualities of itself, channeling motivation, potential energy and confidence! This combination of energy is also seen to be useful in healing as it restores our strength, confidence and progress on our healing journey. This New Moon is the perfect time to bring yourself into a state of balance, and to plant seeds of the beautiful things you would like to nurture in the upcoming weeks.
Mercury also stations direct on this day, potentially clouding our judgement, cautioning us to move slowly and mindfully. Although Mercury Retrograde can channel trickster energy, there is a higher vibration in all of this. Mercury is known as the messenger of Gods in mythology, and during its retrograde it is known to bring messages to us rather rapidly, not through thought but through intuition making it the perfect opportunity to focus on your intuitive and psychic gifts. Pay attention to your dreams, angel number, synchronicities, and intuition as the messages may become very clear and strong.
December 16 : The Sun squares Neptune
This square alignment of the Sun and Neptune will likely bring some things to completion that were previously under the influence of the energies of Neptune. More facts will reveal themselves and you will be shown to trust your instinct more closely than ever!
December 21 : The Summer Solstice and Sun in Capricorn
The Summer solstice in the season of Capricorn is the celebration of the Light as we reach its peak In the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern hemisphere, it is a return to the Light. However, no matter where we are in the world, the Solstice is a time to honor the light – your unique divine light that you get to share with the world! This is the time to get to know your light, cultivate more of it, nurture it and then shine it! This Light energy is going to be extremely energizing and healing as the grid shifts into higher states of harmony.
Also on this day, Venus moves opposite Uranus in Taurus and brings with it some fabulous and creative energy. This energy is exceptionally useful in helping us solve problems, think outside of the box and even with how to shine our authentic light, bright!
December 22 : Mercury Cazimi
This is a power day in the Mercury Retrograde cycle, it is the day that brings with it new insights and wisdom into our realm. Its energy will help us begin to understand things a lot more clearly and make progress on whatever we have been needing to work on but happened to become disconnected from. This is a powerful day!
December 23 : Mercury Retrograde enters the sign of Sagittarius
This transition brings some extra fire to the cosmic entanglement – life! It aims to guide us into heating up our thought processes so that the things we may have been confused about or uncertain about become more clear. Things may not be crystal clear at this stage, however you will certainly feel one step closer!
December 26 : Full Moon in Cancer
Our final Full Moon of the year in the sweet & sensitive sign of Cancer. Under the soft energy of this Full Moon we ought to be experiencing all of the feels! Our senses are going to be heightened so its important that you protect your energy and make time to recharge during this time. As Cancer is a water sign, recharging near calm waters may be extra healing and nourishing for the Soul! It so happens that Saturn, the Master Teacher is active under this Full Moon and it provides a supportive energy to become grounded and have gratitude for all of the lessons that have come our way.
December 27 : Mercury conjunct Mars
We have a rare alignment of Mercury and Mars in the sign of Sagittarius bringing a boost to our creativity, intuition, & motivation. Things are going to feel a little more fluid at this time!
December 29 : Venus enters Sagittarius
This transition of Venus in Sagittarius brings a light energy of wishing to be wild and free! It may be extremely restorative if travel has been on your mind – getaway, adventure and rejuvenate yourself!
December 30 : Jupiter Direct
And there we have it, our final transition for 2023, Jupiter stations direct after being retrograde since September and showers an abundant burst of energy. This is the time to note all the ways that you are loved, held, and supported – you are a child of the Universe, no less than the stars themselves, the cosmic will is always on your side! Jupey Jupes is the planet of Expansion, so we ought to feel something expanding within our awareness, it’s the perfect time to get organized and prepared for whats to come!
Thank you for journeying with me this past year as we delved into the magick of our cosmos each and every month – we love having you as part of our Soul Family and hope that you find great pleasure in reading our newsletter each and every month. Blessings and peace for the New year lovelies – you are loved!