Soul Astrology Report for February
A Big congratulations to those that made it through the first month of the year and a big welcome to the shortest month of the year – F E B R U A R Y !
We blast off into the new month with a Full Moon in Leo on February 5th, bringing – you guessed it ; fire! This fire is going to be one of the internal world so take time to create space for yourself and acknowledge what comes up.
You can expect to experience inner thoughts and feelings around personal identity, recognition, and tenacity. This will be building up so be mindful of this and balance any excess fire with this powerful affirmation ; “I am worthy, I am divine, what serves me will align.”
With the fire on the go, we have Mercury entering Aquarius 6 days later on February 11th bringing an additional intense energy– the kind that makes you want to hustle and get things done! There’s no better time to put this energy into play, just remember the aspect of balance. With all the heat, you surely won’t want to burn out. Nurture the flame!
On the other hand, for those of you that are familiar with the intensity of hustling and getting things done, fear not as the sun enters Pisces on February 18th which will unwind things a little and bring a more relaxed, dreamy and connective energy into play for the remainder of the month toning the heat down just a couple notches but at least not in a romantic sense!
On Valentines day, February 14th we are greeted with love and warmth and are reminded to go with the flow. If you are single, treat yourself lovely and if you are in a relationship you can expect to be treated lovingly. Enjoy the love bubbles that you have created for yourself and others my loves. Love is the essence of all!
We kiss this short yet wonderful month goodbye as our astrological line up for February 2023 ends off with Vibrant New Moon In Pisces. The themes brought to light during this New Moon will be in connection with inspiration and imagination -two aspects which we all absolutely love from our dreamy Pisces. Later that day Venus enters independent Aries and the sun and moon depart from disciplinarian Saturn, bringing a sense of relief. You’ll be able to relax, breathe, and just be.