Soul Interview with Marion Nixon: Coping with Anxiety – 2 April 2020



Anxiety is a normal response to uncertainty and change in our lives. Right now everyone is living with some degree of anxiety as we adjust to being housebound. Covid-19 has brought major changes to our lives, uncertainty about the future, and for many, fear.

If not addressed, ongoing anxiety gnaws away at you, making you impatient, restless and unable to think clearly. This in turn impacts on your relationships, as well weakening your immune system in the long run.

How do we cope with this ongoing anxiety?

There are some surprisingly simple techniques that work well. Join Marion Nixon this Thursday at 11h00 in this series of webinars where she will explain how to cope with anxiety with easy to do techniques so that you can feel in control of your response to the lockdown instead of being stuck in overwhelm and anxiety.

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